How to Drag a Baseball Field in 6 Easy Methods

Field dragging isn’t just about raking and smoothing out the baseball field surface, although that’s an important part of the process. Most people don’t know about the process of how to drag a baseball field properly to get the best results.

It may confuse you a lot, but it’s really important to know about it. Not keeping the field in proper shape may affect the game in many serious ways.

This comprehensive guide on how to drag a baseball field will teach you everything you need to know about making sure your field looks smooth and playable come game time!

How to Drag a Baseball Field

How to Drag a Baseball Field? (Quick Guide)

Dragging the baseball field before game day allows the grounds crew to keep the playing surface healthy and level and scrape off any extra residue on the infield.

But dragging can be tricky if you don’t do it correctly—or at all! Use these six ways to drag a baseball field to get your team’s home playing field in tip-top shape for game day!

How to Drag a Baseball Field 1

The Conventional Way

The first step is to rake any debris from the field. The next step is the most labor-intensive, dragging the heavy equipment from one end of the field to the other. The draggers should start at either first or third base and work to home plate.

They must make sure they are dragging in a straight line so that when they get to home plate, it will be easy for them to go back in reverse order with no overlap. Finally, if you want your new dugouts dug out before you drag, this can be done after finishing with the dragger and before starting on the rake.

The Water Hose Method

This method is the most common, easy, and inexpensive way. All you need is a hose and some patience. First, you will want to turn on the water at full blast and spray it all over the field to wet it. Then use your hands or an object such as a rake or broom handle to drag the water across the grass in one direction so that it begins soaking into the soil.

The Water Hose Method
The Water Hose Method

Be sure that you are not dragging toward home plate! The idea is for the water to soak into all parts of the ground so that it doesn’t just pool around home plate. Repeat this process until there is no more standing water on top of the grass and then allow time for the moisture to penetrate deep into the soil before watering again.

The Vinegar Solution

Don’t worry, you don’t need expensive equipment to drag a baseball field. You’ll need some vinegar and water (maybe a little dish soap). Mix the ingredients in a five-gallon bucket and pour it over the dirt while dragging. The acidity of the vinegar will eat away at the dirt, making it easy for your rake to pull up.

The Sand Solution

The Sand Solution is an easy and cost-effective way for you or your organization to drag, groom, or rake a baseball field. The process is simple: all that is needed are sand and water.

After spreading out the sand with the supplied squeegee, pour water over it until it becomes saturated. Spread the sand evenly with either a drag mat or rake and then cover it up with another layer before repeating steps 1-3.

The Salt Solution

The most important part of dragging a baseball field is the salt. The salt is mixed with water and then sprayed on the dirt infield. Once the mixture has been sprayed, it must be allowed to dry, which takes about one hour.

Once it has dried, the field can be dragged again until all loose dirt has been removed. The process is repeated until the dirt in the infield is level with that on each side of the first and third base.

The Cornstarch Solution

Mix 2 cups cornstarch with 3 cups water and stir. Pour the mixture onto the field and drag it over the dirt. This will prevent hard balls from tearing up the dirt.

You may need to reapply this solution after rain or other wet weather conditions, but you should be able to get at least one season out of it before needing another application.

How often should you drag a baseball field?

A question I often get asked is, How often should you drag a baseball field? It’s an interesting question with varying opinions. In my opinion, the dragging frequency will depend on the number of games played and the quality of your infield soil.

If your infield soil is good, I recommend dragging at least once every two weeks during the playing season. This will help loosen up clumps and keep topsoil in place.

How long does it take to drag a baseball field?

It takes about an hour and a half to drag the infield. You start in the pitcher’s circle, and then make three lines of string from home plate on one side of the field all the way around.

How long does it take to drag a baseball field
How long does it take to drag a baseball field?

Next, you take your drag mat, lay it down as close as possible to the home plate, and then put rocks or other heavy objects on top to form a barrier between the dirt and grass. You repeat this process until you get back to the home plate again.

Once you have dragged your entire infield in this manner, you can drag your outfield by taking two strings starting at one end of the outfield (usually right field) all the way past both dugouts before meeting up with itself at home plate.

Can you drag a wet infield?

It depends on the conditions. If it’s dry, then the answer is yes. It’ll take more time but it can be done. If it’s wet and muddy, the answer is no, because dragging will only worsen it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why do they drag the infield?

It is common for professional baseball teams to drag the infield off their field before each game. This is done to keep the dirt as level and firm as possible. Players are constantly running around the field, so it needs to be made sure that there are no dips or hills.
Infielders have a lot of ground they need to cover, and having an uneven surface can lead them out of position and result in costly errors.

How do they mow baseball fields so straight?

The first step in dragging a mowing is selecting the proper blade. Blades come in two different types, either rotary or oscillating blades.
Rotary blades are larger and are better for thicker grass. Oscillating blades are smaller and work well for thinner grass. Next, drag the mower over the field using your desired pattern.

Why do you nail-drag a baseball field?

Nail dragging is an important part of maintaining the quality of your baseball field. It removes divots, compacts the soil, and creates an even surface. When done correctly, nail dragging can reduce your need for fertilization and pesticide treatments.

How do you drag an all-infield dirt baseball?

For the field to be prepared for use, it must be dragged. Infield dirt is removed from the top of the infield and allowed to fall toward the foul lines. Dragging an infield is broken up into two steps: scraping and dragging. Scraping involves taking an object such as a shovel and ensuring no clumps of dirt left on top of the infield.

Should I drag a wet field?

The first and most important thing to consider when dragging a wet field is whether or not you should drag it. If the game has already been played on the wet field and it’s still wet, then you probably shouldn’t drag it because there is no way for the ground to dry out before the next game. If there has been any rain since the game was played, don’t drag it because dragging will make it worse.


Everyone loves baseball, but most people don’t know how to drag a baseball field to make sure it’s ready for the big game!

This field dragging guide will walk you through everything from properly setting up your equipment to creating an even field, making sure your bases are positioned correctly and creating straight lines between them, and everything in between!

Whether you’re just learning how to drag a baseball field or a veteran field dragger looking to improve your technique, you won’t miss this handy guide!

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