How to Break In a Baseball Glove in 7 Easy Steps

Baseball is an intense sport that requires a lot of skill and energy from its players. One piece of equipment that helps with these things is the baseball glove, which helps protect players’ hands while making them more accurate when throwing or catching balls.

There are many different types of gloves available on the market today, but all of them have one thing in common—they need to be broken in properly before use so they don’t cause injury!

That’s why it’s very important to learn how to break in a baseball glove properly, so that we can tackle this situation if need be.

In this blog post, I’ll discuss some popular ways to break in a baseball glove so that it fits perfectly to your hand and performs at its highest level on the field.

How to Break In a Baseball Glove
How to Break In a Baseball Glove (Latest Guide)

Why Do Baseball Gloves Need to be Broken In?  

You can add other benefits, such as a comfortable and easy fit, better movement in the field, producing some of the best catches, etc.

Your baseball glove is an extension of you on the field; it helps you catch that fly ball or make that perfect throw to first base. The only way for it to work properly is if it fits like a glove (get it?). The only way to get that perfect fit is by breaking in your new glove.

When you first get your new glove, it will be stiff and hard to use because it hasn’t been molded to your hand. But after weeks of use (and some oil), it will form perfectly to your hand!

The more times you use it during practice or games, the more durable and useful your glove will become. So don’t forget—break in those gloves!

How to Break in a Baseball Glove – The Right Way  

You know when you buy something new and it feels stiff and uncomfortable? That’s because it hasn’t been broken in yet. Just like shoes or clothing, gloves need to be softened before they’re comfortable enough for game use. There are a few ways to do this depending on your available time!

  • Moisten the Gloves: The easiest way to break in a glove is by soaking it overnight in water mixed with dish soap. This will make the leather softer so that it won’t hurt your hand as much when you use it.
  • Throw Balls to Shape the Gloves: ex: Practise catching some baseball before the glove dries
  • Wrap the glove with the ball inside: Make sure there’s still room for your fingers though so that you don’t hurt yourself when playing catch! Using Glove Hammers: Mention using two types of glove hammers
  • Glove steamer: Use this if you want your gloves to dry quickly and evenly! It’ll also help soften them up nicely too!
  • Play Catch: This is probably the best way to break in your gloves because it combines all three methods above into one activity; plus it’s fun!
  • Oil or glove conditioning cream: If you want even more softness, add some oil or conditioning cream onto the gloves after they’ve dried from being soaked or wet from being steamed so they’ll be nice and soft against your skin while playing catch with them!

That’s it. Now you know how to break in a baseball glove in a proper manner. So you can do it whenever the need arises.

How Not to Break in a Baseball Glove? 

Gloves are an investment, so it’s important to take care of them properly. If you want to make sure that your baseball glove lasts as long as possible, then you need to take good care of it. Here are some tips on how not to break in a baseball glove:

  1. Don’t put your glove in the microwave or use detergents like soap or water. This will ruin the leather and make it less durable.
  2. Don’t soak it; make it slightly wet instead.
  3. Don’t leave them in the sun; this will dry the leather and cause cracking.
  4. Don’t keep it under your mattress; this will crush the padding inside, making it less effective when you need protection during a fight or sports activity.
  5. Don’t drive your car over it; this will flatten the padding inside, making it less effective when you need protection during a fight or sports activity.
  6. Never put glove oil directly on the glove; instead, apply it to your hands before putting them on so that you don’t saturate the leather too much which would cause stretching over time.

How long does it take to fully break in a glove?  

When you’re playing baseball, the last thing you want is for your gloves to be uncomfortable. That’s why breaking them in properly is important before taking the field. Here are some tips on how long it takes to fully break in a glove:

How long does it take to fully break in a glove
How long does it take to fully break in a glove?  

The first step to breaking in a glove is oiling it thoroughly. This will allow the leather to mold more easily and evenly over time. After that, use it as much as possible during practice or backyard games with friends; this will make it much easier for you when game time rolls around!

The best way to know when your glove is fully broken in? When it feels like an extension of your hand—like it was made just for you!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can you use shaving cream to break in a baseball glove?

Yes, shaving cream can be used to break in a baseball glove. It works best when you have time to let it sit overnight. However, ensure that the glove is completely dry before applying the shaving cream, or it won’t work either!

What’s the fastest way to break in a baseball glove?

☑️ Use it as much as possible. The more you use your glove, the faster it will break in.
☑️ Use warm water and soap to clean it regularly. This will keep bacteria away from the inside of the glove and help it last longer.
☑️ Oil your glove regularly with leather oil or conditioner; this will keep it soft and pliable so that it feels great on your hand when you use it!

How can I break in my new baseball glove?

When you get a new glove, it’s stiff and hard to use. To make it more comfortable and flexible, rub some Vaseline into the leather. The oil from the Vaseline will help soften the leather so that it molds to your hand better. Make sure not to use too much though; you don’t want the glove to be too slippery when you’re playing!
Remember: Don’t use any other kind of oil on your glove because it won’t work as well!


The biggest mistake people make when trying to break in a baseball glove is using it too much at first. It’s important to give your glove time to adjust to its new shape before using it in a game or practice.

Start using it for a few minutes at a time, then let it rest overnight to regain some of its shape before using it again the next day.

Over time, increase the time you use your glove until it feels comfortable in games and practices. A good way to start breaking in your glove is by soaking it in water overnight with some leather conditioner added so that it doesn’t dry out while you sleep!

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