How to Know Your Baseball Bat Size? (My Best Tips)

The baseball bat size is one crucial aspect to consider. It’s one of those aspects that is going to impact your batting performance. Therefore the bat size plays a vital role that complements your game and helps you perform better.

In this article I am going to explain how to know your baseball bat size effectively. This is an important matter, and that’s why you must read this piece with complete attention.

A too-long bat may hamper your bat speed or swing technique. Too short a bat will limit the scale coverage, compromising your strike zone. The perfect bat size facilitates your confidence and enhances your batting. We understand finding the right bat is challenging.

Our comprehensive research on the topic might help you to ease the challenge.

How to know your baseball bat size
How to know your baseball bat size?

How to know your baseball bat size? (Quick Guide)

Checking to swing comfortably is one factor you should check for to arrive at your perfect baseball bat size. Ensure you don’t exceed more than one inch at an instance while going for a new bat in the growing stages.

It will help you cope-up with the new bat without modifying your swing dramatically.  Herewith are a few steps you can follow to understand your baseball bat size; in case you are new to baseball or looking to resize your bat.


  1. Spread your arm straight and measure the distance from your chest’s center to the index fingertip. 
  2. Refer to the size chart given below to select the appropriately sized bat.
  3. Once you choose the appropriate bat, it’s time to verify whether it suits you.
  4. Place the bat on your side. If you can touch the handle with your palm, you have chosen the perfectly sized bat.
  5. Now, place the bat’s knob at your chest’s center and the bat facing outwards. Now try to grab the barrel within your palms. If you are successful, voila! You have successfully chosen the appropriately sized bat.

If you want to choose a bat for your kid, herewith are the steps.

Measuring appropriate bats for your kid

  1. If your kid’s height falls between 3′ and 3’4″ inches, a 26-inch bat will suffice. Increment the bat size by 1 inch for every 4 to 5 inches height increase of your kid.
  2. Choosing as per height: With your kid wearing baseball cleats, measure and place the bat adjacent to him from the bottom. Bat limited up to his hip is the suitable one. If the bat’s length surpasses his hip, it will be difficult for him to swing.
  3. Choosing as per weight: If your kid weighs below 60 pounds, get him a bat with a swing length between 26 to 29 inches. If above 70, the swing should be between 28 and 29 inches.

What size bat should I use for my height?

The chart will help you to select the perfect size bat based on your height and weight.

Weight (pounds)←— Your height (in inches) —→
3′-3’4″3’5″-3’8″3’9″-4′4’1″-4’4″4’5″-4’8″4’9″-5′5’1″-5’4″5’5″-5’8″5’9″-6′6’1″ and over
< 6026″27″28″ 29″29″
61 to 7027″27″28″29″30″30″
71 to 80 28″28″29″30″30″31″
81 to 9028″29″ 29″30″30″ 31″32″
91 to 10028″29″30″30″31″31″32″
101 to 11029″29″30″30″31″ 31″32″
111 to 12029″29″30″30″31″ 31″32″
121 to 13029″30″30″30″32″32″33″33″
131 to 14029″30″30″31″31″ 32″33″33″
141 to 15030″30″31″31”32″33″33″
151 to 16030″31″31″32″32″33″33″33″
161 to 17031”31”32”32”33”33”34”
171 to 18031″31″32″32″33″33″34″
181 to 19032″32″33″33″34″

Youth leagues (6 to 10 years)

Player HeightBat Weight
48” to 50”16 to 17 oz.
51” to 54”17 to 18 oz.
55” to 59”18 to 19 oz.
60” +19 to 20 oz.

Intermediate Youth leagues (11 to 13 years)

Player Weight (lbs)Bat Weight
70 to 8018 to 19 oz.
81 to 10019 to 20 oz.
101 to 12020 to 21 oz.
121 to 14021 to 22 oz.
141+22 to 23 oz.

How do you determine bat size?

Choosing an optimal bat size depends on a few aspects, such as the player’s age, height, and weight. In addition, skill level, strength, league or competition type, and personal preference also contribute to choosing the perfect-sized bat.

Players in the range of 3’5″ to 3’8″ in height and under 60 pounds weight can use a bat of 27 inches. It is suitable for players falling in the same height range, weighing between 61 to 70 pounds. A player of height 3’5″ to 3’8″ and weighing 71 to 90 pounds can opt for 27 inches long bat.

Players falling in a similar height range but weighing about 91 to 120 pounds can go with a 29 inches long bat.

Players with a height of around 3’9″ to 4″ and weighing a maximum of 60 pounds can opt for 28 inches bat. The same bat may ideally work for players weight 61 to 80 pounds. Players of the same height but weighing in the range of 91 to 10 pounds can opt for a 29 inches long bat. Players weighing more than 120 pounds or more can go for a 30 inches long bat.

How do you determine bat size
How do you determine bat size?

Bat length as per age

AGE5-78-9 1011-1213-14 15-16
LENGTH24″-26″26″-28″28″-29″ 30″-31″31″-32″32″-33″

As per league

Different leagues demand bats with distinguished certifications as per the age. Little league baseball players are recommended to have a certification from USA Baseball. These bats are approved beforehand by several youth baseball leagues, such as; Little League Baseball, Dixie Boys Baseball, Dixie Youth Baseball, Cal Ripken League, Babe Ruth, etc.

Bats from the United States Specialty Sports Association (USAA) work great for 14 years old players or younger. For adult players, it is believed that Batted Ball Coefficient of Restitution (BBCOR), has set the standards. All high school and college players are mandated to use a BBCOR-certified bat.

Baseball bat material

  • 1. Composite: Bats made of composite materials are very much similar to those made using carbon fiber. Composite bats allow manufacturers to produce bats with excellent control over weight distribution across the entire bat. Being loaded at the end, they hold more weight than others.
    • Composite bats are prone to break after hitting 100 to 150 ball strikes. Avoid using composite bats in cold weather, as the temperature drop may sometimes lead to cracking these bats.
  • 2. Hybrid: Alloy and composite are a combination of hybrid bats. The barrel is an alloy made with a composite handle. They together form the best combo to make an elite bat. 
  • 3. Wooden: Wooden bats may not deliver power and durability unlike alloy bats, but the appearance is pleasing. They help prep the players to play in the big leagues, where it’s mandatory to use wooden bats.

Wooden bats are made with ashwood, birch, or maple. There are different sets of rules as per the league.

Bat Size Rules and Regulations

Bat Size Rules and Regulations
Bat Size Rules and Regulations

Senior League

A bat cannot be longer than 36 inches, larger than 2⅝ inches, or if made of wood, small than 15/16 inches (7/8 inches for bats smaller than 30 inches) in diameter at its narrowest point.

The bat’s weight cannot be more than three ounces less than its length in absolute terms (e.g., a 33-inch-long bat should have a minimum weight of 30 ounces). Bats not made from wood should adhere to the standards of Batted Ball Coefficient of Restitution (BBCOR). Moreover, the information should be marked on the bat with a permanent marker or silkscreen.

NOTE: USA Baseball logo is not needed for BBCOR bats.

Little League (Major) Division and below

The bat shouldn’t exceed a length of 33 inches. The diameter should measure up to 25/8 inches. If the bat is made from wood, the diameter should be less than 15/16. For bats less than 30 inches, the diameter should be 7/8 on the smallest area. Taped or fitted wooden bats with sleeves should be within 16 inches of length from the smaller end.

NOTE: USA Baseball logo is not required for solid one-piece wood barrel bats.

 Intermediate (50/70) Division and Junior League

The length of the baseball bat should not exceed 34 inches. The diameter should be within 25/8 inches. If a wooden bat, the diameter shouldn’t be less than 15/16 inches and 7/8 inches for bats of length 30″ on the smallest part.

Taped or fitted wooden bats with sleeves should be within 18 inches of length from the smaller end. NOTE: USA Baseball logo is not required for solid one-piece wood barrel bats.

Tips for trying out different baseball bat sizes

Now that you have understood how to find the right bat size, you need to have a practical approach too. It will enable you to find the best suitable bat.

The first and foremost thing you can do is to visit a sports shop and try out different bats there. Else, you can temporarily practice with bats from your teammates in the batting cage. It will help you to understand what size and weight go well with you.

It will help you to understand which bat gives you comfort while swinging and confidence while hitting the ball. You can even rope in your senior teammate or coach to observe your game and get feedback from them. They may help you to decide the correct bat size.

You can also video-record yourself while practicing. It will give you 360 degrees of perspective to understand yourself and your style. Ultimately it will help you in deciding the appropriate size of your bat. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How tall should you be for a 32-inch bat?

You should have a height between 4’9″ to 5’4″.

Can a 9-year-old use a 30-inch bat?

A 30-inch bat is recommended for 11 or 12 years old players. For a 9-year-old, a 26 to 28 inches bat is ideal.

What size bat for a 12-year-old boy?

A size of 30 to 31 inches is ideal for a 12-year-old.

What bats do 13-year-olds use?

A bat of length 31 to 32 inches is ideal for 13-year-olds.

Can an 8-year-old use a 30-inch bat?

A 30-inch bat is recommended for 11 or 12 years old players. For an 8-year-old, a 26 to 28 inches bat is ideal.


Understanding the appropriate size of a baseball bat can be challenging. The right-sized bat is one crucial aspect that helps enhance your game performance. It ensures your comfort and keeps you in high spirits.

The correctly sized bat also prevents straining your body and allows you to play longer. Bats come in various sizes and materials, allowing players to choose the right one based on age, weight, height, and personal preferences.

Players can try out different bats before narrowing down on one. Thankfully there are many options like a batting cage, for e.g., where players can have a trial of the bat. Else, they can catch up with their coaches or senior teammates to gain a few tips for selecting the right-sized bat.

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