How Long Does Mini Golf Take? (An Authentic Guide)

Mini Golf, or Miniature Golf, is simply an offshoot of the regular golf game, capturing the key aspects of the parent sport solely. The reason behind its great popularity is that mini golf strikes a balance between challenge and entertainment. 

It’s a great sport for friends and family who want to spend some quality time together. Moreover, it can be enjoyed by people from all age groups with different abilities, and it doesn’t even take much time.

But do you know how long does mini golf take?

Well, it a mini golf game doesn’t take more than 15 to 20 minutes (at max 30 minutes) to play, and that’s something that makes the game even more appealing.

How Long Does Mini Golf Take
Mini Golf Game

How Long Does Mini Golf Take?

Since mini golf is a sport that mainly takes entertainment under consideration, the time taken to finish one game isn’t very long.

Depending on a number of factors, it can take up to 30 minutes to finish it off. And if everything goes well, people can even complete it within 15 minutes straight!

But on a more detailed note, here is how long a typical game of mini golf takes. So, for a round of 9-hole miniature golf, it takes around 15-20 minutes, and for a round of 18-hole miniature golf, it takes around 30-45 minutes.

And if you want to go for the 36-hole miniature golf course, then it might take around 2-3 hours. Of course, a lot depends on certain important factors, which we will cover next. 

Factors that Affect the Duration of a Mini Golf Game

There are multiple factors working simultaneously that directly affect the duration of a mini golf game. Let us now look at them one by one:

Factors that Affect the Duration of a Mini Golf Game
Factors that Affect the Duration of a Mini Golf Game

Number of Players

The number of players at the mini golf game is a vital element that affects the duration of the sport. It’s no brainer that the larger the group, the longer it will take to finish a game.

It’s because each player will take their turn at the game, and more time will be lapsed between the shots. Plus, the number of players at the facility can also affect the duration, especially if there is a long queue for you to wait.

Difficulty Level of the Course

A game of mini golf is also affected by the difficulty level of the course. Not all rounds of the sport would be the same. Some courses will be easy to finish within a few minutes, while others will be so difficult that every hole will seem too hard to get past, consuming a good deal of time.

Plus, if they put in obstacles like a sand trap, water hole, windmills, etc., then that can be a real challenge. An average course usually consists of a mixture of varying difficulty levels so as to keep it engaging.

Length of the Course

The length of the mini golf course functions as another important factor that determines the duration. The length between the holes, that is, how far away one hole is from another, can affect the time taken to finish a game.

Moreover, some holes might be larger than usual, which can be a challenge to tackle and take up more time.


The strokes in mini golf games also play an important role in determining the duration. Needless to say, the more strokes a player exhausts in getting the ball into the cup, the more time the game consumes. And the converse is true for fewer strokes that help navigate the game faster. 

Duration of a Mini Golf Game

Skill Level

The skill level of players at the mini golf functions as a major factor in deciding its duration. Since the sport can be played by every individual belonging to different age groups with varying skill sets, it’s evident that the game will be affected by the skill level of the players.

The professionals will get around the course rapidly, while the amateur might take a little extra time to get the ball in.

Speed of Play

The speed of play is another crucial factor that affects the duration of a mini golf course. Experts on the game will definitely be faster than beginners who would take their own time to understand the game and get things together.

Plus, the children and the aged members tend to have a slower speed than the youths in their prime of life!

Breaks and Interruptions

Since mini golf isn’t a strictly professional sport but is played mostly for entertainment, breaks, and interruptions between the rounds are common. People aren’t solely focused on the game all the time and are more inclined to chat, laugh, and enjoy their time as they go.

Plus, there can be certain other unavoidable situations that can lead to some breaks and interruptions, extending the duration of the game.

How Long Does it Take Two People to Play Mini Golf?

Mini golf can be played by individuals or a team of players. Of course, it takes very little time if it’s played just by two players. So, a party of two can expect to finish a 9-hole miniature golf course in about 15-20 minutes and an 18-hole miniature golf course in around 30-45 minutes.

How Long Does it Take Two People to Play Mini Golf
How Long Does it Take Two People to Play Mini Golf?

The time is estimated assuming that the course isn’t packed with people or you aren’t playing it at a peak hour. For, if you have to wait in a queue on every hole, then that 15 minutes can easily turn into 30 minutes. Plus, there are other factors to consider as well.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. How long does it take to play 18 holes of mini golf with 4 players?

For a set of skilled players, 18 holes of mini golf with 4 players should take as long as 45 to 80 minutes. It might take a little longer if you have amateurs in the group who are just beginning to learn the game.

Q. How long does 36 holes of mini golf take?

The exact time needed to complete a 36-hole mini golf course depends on various factors, especially the size of the team, their speed, skill sets, and age-group. Approximately it can take around 60-75 minutes with a small group and about a few hours with a large group, especially if you decide to play every hole properly.

Q. How long is an 18-hole mini golf game?

An 18-hole mini golf game can take time anywhere between 30 minutes and 80 minutes, depending on the number of players, their expertise, speed, age, and the difficulty level of the course. Considering a 20 seconds per shot approach, it shouldn’t take more than 50-60 minutes for an 18-hole mini golf course to end.

Q. How long does a 9-hole mini golf game take?

For a party of two, a 9-hole mini golf game can take up to 15-20 minutes, provided all the other factors are in place. For a team of four, a 9-hole mini golf course can take around 25-40 minutes to complete if the rate is maintained at 20 seconds per shot.


Finally, we can say that the duration of a mini golf game tends to be influenced by a number of factors. Hence, even though it’s supposed to get over within half an hour, it’s better to dive into the sport with some good hours to spare.

But if you are really under a time crunch, then paying a little attention to the major factors affecting your duration is the key to cutting back on time. But whatever you choose to do, make sure you have a fun time at this popular game of miniature golf.

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