How to Remove Rust from Golf Clubs in 2 Easy Methods

Rust is the biggest enemy of golf clubs, so removing them and preventing them from returning is necessary.

However, a little rust on the golf club doesn’t harm but increases the friction on the wedge surface, which comes in handy during a golf game. It’s the formation of heavy rust that can become a problem.

So, how to remove rust from golf clubs?

There are several methods to remove rust from your golf clubs. You may simply use a rust remover, but for those who don’t like to use commercial products, there are many home remedies as well, like using steel wool or wire brushes, baking soda, coca-cola, vinegar and lemon juice, or plain soap and water.

How to Remove Rust from Golf Clubs
Remove Rust from Golf Clubs (Guide)

Each method has its unique quality, but they all work equally well in removing rust. You just need to choose the best one that suits you and your golf club. 

So, let’s learn in detail about these methods one by one and also learn about the prevention methods and proper maintenance of golf clubs. Let’s begin!

How to remove rust from golf clubs? (Home & Commercial Remedies)

The process of how to remove rust from golf clubs isn’t as hard as it may sound. If done right, it’s just a matter of a few hours. Simple home remedies usually work for rust removal, but if they don’t, there are always commercial products to get rid of rust.

Let us now explore both methods, and you can choose whichever works best for you. 

Home Remedies

Here are a few home remedies that you can use to remove rust from your favorite golf club.

Steel Wool or Wire Brushes

Using steel wool or wire brushes is perhaps the most common method to remove rust from golf clubs. Here is the step-by-step process to do that:

  • Step 1: Get a hold of a good quality steel wool or wire brush. 
  • Step 2: Put some vinegar in a bucket and keep it near you.
  • Step 3: Dip the steel wool or the wire brush in vinegar.
  • Step 4: Scrub the areas of the golf club that has caught the rust.
  • Step 5: Keep dipping the steel wool or the wire brush in vinegar occasionally to keep it damp.


  • Do not apply heavy pressure while scrubbing with a steel wool or wire brush; just lightly scrub the affected area. Otherwise, it may damage the club with excessive scratching.
  • This method works best for golf clubs with just light surface rust but isn’t suitable for heavy rust that requires deep scrubbing. So, if you find the rust far too deep for steel wool or wire brush, feel free to opt for other methods of rust removal.

Baking Soda

Using baking soda is another tried-and-tested method for complete rust removal. Here is the step-by-step process to do that:

  • Step 1: Make a rust-dissolving paste by mixing one cup of baking soda with a few drops of water in a container.
  • Step 2: Apply the paste over the affected area of the golf club using a small spatula or a clean paintbrush and completely cover the rusty spots with the solution.
  • Step 3: Leave the golf club coated in baking soda undisturbed for about an hour to allow the solution to work on the rust. 
  • Step 4: Use a sponge or brush to gently scrub the excess off the surface with a small, quick motion. 
  • Step 5: Once you feel the rust disappear from the surface, rinse the area with warm water to remove the extra paste and polish it with a clean cloth to reveal the rust-free golf club.


  • Ensure that the consistency and application of the baking soda solution are totally up to scratch.
  • The golf club must be entirely coated in baking soda and left for some time before scrubbing and rinsing.


The favorite soft drink has proven to be a great cleaning agent to remove rust from golf clubs. Here is the step-by-step process to do that:

  • Step 1: Take a few liters of Coca-Cola in a clean container and pour it in a way that completely submerges the head of the golf club. 
  • Step 2: Keep the golf club soaked in the cola for about 24 hours to receive the maximum effect.
  • Step 3: Use a microfiber cloth to dry the golf club once it’s removed from the cola.
  • Step 4: For the golf shaft, use a soft towel soaked in Coca-Cola and wrap it around before leaving it to stand still for 24 hours and rinsing it with clean water.
  • Step 5:  If you still find a few remnants of rust left on the club, use a scratch-free scrubber to get rid of it.


Moderate the time according to the depth of rust on the golf club. If it isn’t too heavy, don’t leave it soaked in cola for 24 hours, as it might damage the surface.

Vinegar or Lemon Juice

Using vinegar or lemon juice to remove rust from golf clubs is an age-old method. Here is the step-by-step process to do that:

  • Step 1: Pour lemon juice or vinegar into a clean container, just enough to immerse the club head.
  • Step 2: Submerge the head of the club in the solution for one or two hours to allow the acid to break the rust.
  • Step 3: Scrub away the rust using a soft brush or a clean cloth.


Ensure that you don’t leave your golf club immersed in the solution longer than necessary, as that can damage it.

Soap and Water

And then, there is this simplest method of using soap and water to remove rust from your golf club. Here is the step-by-step process to do that:

  • Step 1: Add some liquid soap or dish soap to a bucket of warm water.
  • Step 2: Soak the golf club in the bucket for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Step 3: Wipe off the rust using a soft, clean cloth.
  • Step 4: Use a soft toothbrush to scrub off the rust if it burrows into the club’s grooves.


  • Ensure that the bristles reach into the club’s grooves and remove the rust.
  • This method is suitable only if the rust build-up is not extreme.

Commercial Rust Removers

Commercial rust removers are your last resort if none of the above home remedies work to fully remove the rust from your golf club. Industrial rust removers can harm golf clubs and damage the metal if not used carefully.

Hence, this method is recommended when all the other methods have failed. Also, it’s advisable to read the labels and specific instructions for the particular product before using it on your golf club.

Commercial Rust Removers

There are different types of commercial rust removers available in the market. All you need to do is to choose the one that would be the best for your golf club.

For instance, you can use powerful rust removers to quickly ward off heavy rust. Or, you can bring home a versatile rust remover that can dissolve difficult stains while removing rust from metals.

And then, several heavy-duty rust removers are made especially for deep-seated rust with a high dosage of chemicals. Otherwise, you can choose an acid-free, non-toxic, biodegradable remover if you want something safer. Plus, there are several budget-friendly options available in the market as well. 

Compared to all the home remedies to remove rust, commercial rust removers are more effective in ensuring that no rust remains on the surface of your golf club.

However, they aren’t by far the safest method. A lot of risks are involved in using industrial rust removers. For instance, you risk damaging the metal of the golf club permanently if you use rust removers very frequently or employ them to remove even the light sprinkling of surface rust instead of deep-seated ones.

Here are a few tips to help you use your rust remover properly:

  • Visit the store, scan all the rust removers available, read the label, and choose the one most suitable for your golf club.
  • Carefully read all the important instructions and specific directions given on the package.
  • Apply the rust remover on the rust-affected area. At your convenience, you can either spay it, use a brush, or even pour it into a container and submerge the area in it.
  • Ensure that the rusty surface of the golf club remains completely wet with the rust remover.
  • Wait for 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the depth of the rust, for the chemical to work before removing it. Heavy rust might need more rinsing time.
  • Keep a check on the progress and watch whether the rust is disappearing. Reapply the remover once or twice if it fails to remove the rust completely.
  • Wipe the surface of the golf club with a damp cloth. A little scrubbing might be required after this if the rust was too heavy.

How to Prevent Rust & Maintain a Golf Club Properly

Prevent is always better than cure. So, it’s far more important that you prevent your golf club from rusting rather than repair the damage with the rust removing methods afterward.

Here are a few prevention and maintenance tips for you:

Prevention and Maintenance
Prevention and Maintenance
  • Wipe your golf club with a cotton cloth after every game round. Use a lubricant once or twice a month.
  • Always choose a cool, dry place to store your golf clubs. Don’t store it in a humid location like basements or garages where it’s prone to getting wet and developing rust.
  • If your golf club gets wet, ensure that you dry them properly before storing them away.
  • Keep a constant check on your golf club and monitor its condition once in a while.
  • Occasionally use rust removers to spray on the surface of the golf club with utmost care and help prevent it from rusting.

How to remove rust from golf club shaft?

Here are a few pointers to remove rust from golf club shafts:

How to remove rust from golf club shaft
How to remove rust from golf club shaft?
  • Take a clean container and fill it with a rust remover or any other homemade paste or solution you want to use.
  • Apply the solution on the rust-affected areas of the golf club shaft using a clean paintbrush, completely covering the area.
  • Leave it undisturbed before wiping it off with a clean, lint-free cloth. The exact time depends on the depth of the rust, but usually, 15-30 minutes would suffice.
  • Repeat the process once or twice to remove the rust from the golf club shaft.

How to remove rust from forged golf irons?

Here are a few pointers to remove rust from golf irons:

How to remove rust from forged golf irons
How to remove rust from forged golf irons?
  • Get your hands on chrome and metal polish.
  • Use a microfiber cloth to apply and rub the polish on the rusty areas.
  • Let it stay for a few minutes before wiping it off.
  • Grab a Scotch-bite pad to scrub off any remaining spots of rust.
  • Reapply the polish to ensure maximum shine and protection for a long time.

How to remove rust from golf wedges?

Here are a few pointers to remove rust from golf wedges:

How to remove rust from golf wedges
How to remove rust from golf wedges?
  • Grab a rust remover or any homemade paste or solution and pour it into a container.
  • Use a wet washcloth to apply it on the rust-affected area and leave it undisturbed for a few minutes.
  • Employ a sponge or a soft brush and some water to gently scrub the surface affected by rust.
  • Repeat the process until all the rust disappears from the golf wedges.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Can you get the rust off golf irons?

A: Of course you can. Using any of the methods mentioned above—home remedies and commercial rust removers—you can successfully remove rust from any metal, provided it’s not too deep-seated and damaged beyond repair.

Q. Is vinegar safe for golf clubs?

A: Vinegar is completely safe for golf clubs if you don’t use too much of it too often and don’t leave your club standing with vinegar on it for a long time. Since vinegar has acidic content, it should be used with great care to avoid any damage.

Q. Is it OK to put WD-40 on golf clubs?

A: It is okay to put WD-40 on your golf clubs if you carefully proceed. Don’t use it frequently or in a huge amount. If your golf clubs have any specialist finishes, WD-40 might remove them if not used carefully.


Removing rust from golf clubs is difficult only when you don’t know the exact methods. But once you familiarise yourself with removing rust, the procedure would seem like the simplest one to render your clubs rust-free.

However, it would be far better if you could avoid these methods altogether, simply by employing a few preventive methods and proper maintenance techniques to prevent the rust from developing on your favorite golf club.

Hope this article on how to remove rust from golf clubs offered you all the tools to do just that and ace your next golf match with a rust-free golf club.  

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