How Many Golf Balls Fit in a 747? (An Accurate Take)

The question of how many golf balls can fit in a 747 may seem like a bizarre and somewhat pointless puzzle. Still, it’s a classic example of a problem-solving technique used in many fields, including engineering, mathematics, and business. 

By estimating the number of golf balls that can fit in the 747 plane, experts can demonstrate their ability to think creatively, critically, and logically – skills essential for success in many industries.

How many golf balls fit in a 747
golf balls in a 747

How many golf balls fit in a 747?

The answer to how many golf balls fit in a 747 varies depending on the assumptions and calculations used. However, it is possible to arrive at a rough estimate based on some estimates and assumptions.

Assuming that the interior space of a Boeing 747-8 cargo aircraft is used to store the golf balls, which has a total volume of around 851,500 cubic feet (24,100 cubic meters), and assuming that a standard golf ball has a diameter of 1.68 inches (4.27 cm), we can calculate that approximately 463 million golf balls can fit in the plane.

How many golf balls fit in a 747
How many golf balls fit in a 747?

However, this calculation is purely theoretical and does not account for factors such as the irregular shape of the golf balls, the packing density, and other practical limitations. In reality, it is highly unlikely that anyone would fill a 747 with golf balls, and the number of golf balls that can fit in the plane would likely be lower than this theoretical estimate.

Different Estimation Methods

In addition to the volume-based estimation method mentioned above, other methods can estimate the number of golf balls that can fit in a 747. Some of these methods are:

Volume-based estimation

  • Weight-based estimation: This method involves estimating the weight of a single golf ball and the total weight that a 747 can carry. The weight of the golf balls that can fit in the plane can then be estimated by dividing the total weight by the weight of a single golf ball. However, this method is limited because the weight of golf balls can vary depending on their materials and manufacturing processes.
  • Packing density estimation: This method involves packing golf balls into a small container and measuring the packing density. The packing density can then be used to estimate the number of golf balls that can fit in the 747 by calculating the volume of the plane and multiplying it by the packing density.
  • Computer simulation: Another method that can be used to estimate the number of golf balls that can fit in a 747 is through computer simulation. A 3D model of a 747 can be created, and the plane’s space can be filled with virtual golf balls. The number of golf balls that fit in the plane can then be counted in the simulation.

Weight-based estimation

Another method that can be used to estimate the number of golf balls that can fit in a 747 is a weight-based estimation. This method involves estimating the weight of a single golf ball and the weight-carrying capacity of the plane.

The weight of a single golf ball can vary depending on factors such as the material it is made of, its size, and its manufacturing process. Generally, a standard golf ball weighs around 1.62 ounces (45.93 grams). However, some golf balls may weigh slightly more or less than this.

To estimate the weight-carrying capacity of a 747, factors such as fuel weight, cargo weight, and passenger weight must be considered. The weight-carrying capacity of a 747 can range from around 650,000 pounds (294,835 kg) to 975,000 pounds (442,253 kg), depending on the specific model and configuration.

To estimate the number of golf balls that can fit in a 747 using the weight-based method, the weight-carrying capacity of the plane can be divided by the weight of a single golf ball.

For example, if a standard golf ball weighs 1.62 ounces (45.93 grams), and the weight-carrying capacity of a 747 is 650,000 pounds (294,835 kg), then approximately 24 million golf balls can fit in the plane.

However, this method is limited because the weight of golf balls can vary and may not accurately reflect the practical limitations of packing golf balls in a real-world scenario. Therefore, it is important to consider other estimation methods as well.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many golf balls can fit in a phone booth?

Answer: The number of golf balls that can fit in a phone booth would depend on the booth size. However, assuming a standard phone booth of approximately 3 feet by 3 feet by 7 feet, around 7,000 to 8,000 golf balls could fit inside.

How many golf balls can fit in a 737?

Answer: The number of golf balls that can fit in a 737 would depend on the specific model and configuration of the plane. However, assuming a Boeing 737-800 with a volume of approximately 4,800 cubic feet, around 200,000 to 250,000 golf balls could fit inside.

How many golf balls can fit in a bus?

Answer: The number of golf balls that can fit in a bus would depend on the bus size. However, assuming a standard school bus of approximately 10 feet by 8 feet by 40 feet, around 65,000 to 80,000 golf balls could fit inside.

How many golf balls can fit in a cubic foot?

Answer: A cubic foot has a volume of approximately 28,317 cubic centimeters. Assuming a standard golf ball with a volume of approximately 37.68 cubic centimeters, around 750 to 800 golf balls could fit in a cubic foot.


In conclusion, estimating how many golf balls can fit in a 747 involves using various methods, such as volume-based and weight-based estimation.

While the exact number may vary depending on different factors such as the plane’s specific model, the golf balls’ size, and the arrangement of the seating and cargo areas, a rough estimate suggests that anywhere from 200,000 to 500,000 golf balls can fit in a 747.

This may seem like a fun and challenging problem to solve, it’s important to note that it’s unlikely that anyone will try to fill a plane with golf balls.

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